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How to Enhance Your SME Network ?

SME Network

Small and medium enterprise businesses thrive through their carefully created networks. Without having connections to rely upon at every part of the business chain, it can be very difficult for SME owners to leverage their connections into business success. This is why they usually avail themselves of an online network that allows many different people within the business chain to work together on the same project. To have a strong, reliable network that works, it’s essential to have the right technology that provides seamless communication between every step of the communication framework. This guide will outline five ways to enhance your SME network, growing your business in the process.

Share Common Objectives

When working with a variety of different people, it’s important that everyone involved remains on the same page. That’s why it’s crucial to have a common objective that absolutely everyone can get behind. It’s recommended, when starting your network, to be aware of these common objectives, so all people in the network chain can work together in a smooth and orderly fashion. This means that you should:

Be Transparent in Your Aims

Transparency is key if you want people to trust you and share in a common goal. Let people know what they can and cannot access on the network through the use of a VPN while having different levels of clearance depending on their individual level and responsibility. By being upfront and transparent about their relationship to their network, it is much more likely to run smoothly without any unwelcome interruptions, which can be aided further by the following point:

Create a Safe Digital Environment

It’s absolutely crucial that your network runs through a firewall that guarantees both safety and security. There are strong pieces of hardware around that can enable secure access both inside and outside your physical space. One of the most proven firewall providers for networks that span between 75 to over 1000 users, depending on your needs, is the WatchGuard M Series, which is able to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic while keeping your business absolutely secure.

Secure Remote Work

It is likely that in this modern age, especially in the light of the coronavirus pandemic, that you will have a lot of people working for you remotely. This provides lots of challenges for security as they may be accessing the network through insecure Wi-Fi providers. To secure this, be upfront about the ways in which they can access the network, while giving them strict guidelines for logging in, including the implementation of two-factor authentication. This is just one way you can:

Be Vigilant Against Outside Threats

While it might be hard to individually vet everyone who uses your network, you should be optimizing it in such a way that it protects against the potential of hackers or viruses to get into your system. That’s why it’s important to run regular updates of the system and constantly monitor it in order to keep any potential threats to an absolute minimum.

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