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How Can I Cease From the Masturbate Weakness?

Stop Masturbation Tips

In today’s time, adult guys are addicted to masturbating so much. They are doing sexual stimulation by the point of orgasm which is perfectly fine and normal. There is no mortification to accept that you are also one of them because you are a young person, and you want a sexual pleasure, but you don’t have any girlfriend or boyfriend to accomplish your sexual needs. At that time masturbate is a perfect panacea to feel pleasure and satisfied which calm your nerves and stress hormones. If you want to do the same so don’t feel ashamed to accept it because it is ordinary for every people at this age, but you have to make the variance between the addiction and need.

Here, we will talk about those persons who are addicted to jerk-off because it is not a good thing if you are doing it several times in a day. It depends upon the people to people, but if you are really crazy about having sex and think all the time about it so, it needs to be avoided. I tell you why? Check out the following reasons.

After reading, about these reasons you must know about why you should say no to the regular masturbation? It is just a fun of few seconds, but we do not know when it comes in our life as a bad situation so guys if you want to enjoy you just do it one or two times in a week, but not frequently. You should understand the difference between addiction and fun.

I can understand your feelings which you’re going through, but you have to control on Masturbation Habit today otherwise you become infertile that means you are not able to become the father so, do you think it is valid for you? Of course, not so here, I would explain some few tips which you should follow in your regular routine to easily get over your addiction for feeling fantastic throughout the day without having any sexual craving or masturbate.

Before providing you the steps you should understand those hormones which are responsible for your addiction so you can get control over those hormones craving and feel better, right?


Masturbation addiction is generally caused by the two brain hormones which are also known as Chemicals and place an extensive role to experience the pleasure and feel relaxed after the time of physical activity the hormones are dopamine and endorphins. Both these hormones are chemical messengers as well as neurotransmitters with send signals to the Nerve cells. Both are responsible for feelings Independence standing what is going in your mind it is a more accurate viewed mechanism to feel good and relaxed. It is also responsible for your happiness and feeling sad. These hormones are also good as stress reliever so when you feel and think about the physical activities it creates a pressure in your mind and start giving your cravings to do masturbation on the time where you are and it sometimes make too shame on yourself because you are not able to control your feelings and you just have to relax your body by doing fuck-off. If you are suffering from these symptoms on the daily basis, and checking out all the time porn movies, and sexual activities so you are addicted. You have to come out it otherwise, you become infertile. Moreover, it increases your craving so much that you can’t control even you wish it.

This happens not only in the men’s females are also involved in this. Both genders are equally contributing to masturbation addiction. They want to suppress their sexual need whatever they have. If you learn about the statistics you will find out the peoples are becoming too unprotected for the sexual activities that they even doing the sexual activity with their pets. If you don’t want to see on yourself in that situation where you are not in your control so you must follow the following steps to quit Masturbation Habit for making your life safe and happy after the marriage.

5 Tips Which You Should Try To Say Bye to Your Addiction

  1.    Consult with the doctor

It is difficult for you to share your important part of a life with the doctor but you should go to The Counselor or psychologist which will train you, how you can control over your cravings? You can even take therapies if you need.

  1.  Make yourself busy in your hobbies

It is one of the perfect panaceas to get rid of your bad habit. When you keep yourself more addicted to fulfilling your dreams and doing your hobbies so you will never think about doing jerk-off because you are busy in your life.

  1. Say no to watch porn

The first thing which you should do delete all the porn movies from your phone and think less about physical needs.

  1. Be brave

The best thing which every person carry is braveness if you think you will say no a permanent no to your addiction you will definitely say bye to it with a great control over your feelings and your body.

  1. Eat a healthy diet

For the healthy life, you should take enough sleep and eat only healthy food which is full of Vitamins nutrients in further proteins which make your hormones balanced, and does not create a stress in your brain you have to go and do fuck-off.

Follow these 5 simple tricks and I am sure you will get rid of your addiction and become a perfect person in your eyes.

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