How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads Campaigns In 2020

Facebook advertising can be expensive there is no arguing in this thing. Even if you will do it well and your campaigns are also putting you into positive, If you don’t do these things in the right side then the Facebook ads campaigns will cost you money and they can drain your ad budget too quickly.

Let’s Start…


Here Are The 5 Important Tips To Start Optimizing Your Facebook Ads Campaigns In 2020 :

Let me tell you that there are lots of ways to optimize your Facebook ads campaigns and to get more clicks, more conversions and also more dollars for you. Today in this article we are going to tell you the 5 important ways which will help you in the optimizing Facebook ads campaigns. By implementing all these tips at the right time you will be easily able to create hyper-targeted ad campaigns that will make a stronger performance.

1. Keep The Mobile And Desktop Ads Separate

Did you know this thing that desktop users are significantly more likely to purchase online than the mobile users? Have you ever tried in the entering in a credit card on your cell phones and then you have realized that the third number was wrong. Yes, and you don’t want to do that, either.

Due to this reason, the keeping of your ads separates on the mobile and desktop will be given more benefit to your budget. You have noticed that I have said ” some “. By saying this I really means that the ads are designed to drive the immediate sales right now. Think about those ads which are offering some discounts and the free shipping in order to get the sales as soon as possible. In order to get this thing, you must have to spend more money in running of these ads campaigns with the desktop users instead of targeting of the mobile users.

 Facebook Ad Optimization 6 Easy Tricks to Try Disruptive Advertising

This thing doesn’t mean that never target mobile users, because the opposite part is true. The mobile users were incredibility engaged. They will take more interest and watched the videos, click on the more sites to learn more about their site and they will be happy to shoot you a message in order to learn more about the thing which you’re promoting.

As a result, the ads with a goal like the brand awareness or the lead generation in order to do exceptionally do better on mobile. You must have to put more ads money towards the desktop placements in order to focus on the conversions instead.


2. Use The Different Bidding Strategies

Have you ever noticed this thing that CPC [ Cost-per-click ] is creeping up higher then the what you can afford to spend on ads? Actually, you can easily stop this from happening with the help of an manual bidding so that you can easily keep your ROI in profit or I can say is positive.

Let me tell you that under the budgeting and the scheduling of section in the ad set level of the ad creation, you will see an option which is ” Optimization For An Ad Delivery “. In this part, you can decide that what you want to optimize it for. You have to choose from the things link the link clicks, impressions or an engagement.

Under this thing, you can also decide that what exactly you are willing to spend for each section by enabling and then again setting of the bid cap. This Facebook optimization will allow you to decide the absolute maximum which you are willing to spend on a single action. There is no more averaging in a bid can – It’s exact.

 Facebook Ad Optimization 6 Easy Tricks to Try Disruptive Advertising [ 1

Always remember this thing that the setting of a bid cap will reduce the placements which you will get. If you can’t afford the CPC above the $1 without losing the money then it is necessarily a bad thing.


3. Create Separate Campaigns For The Newsfeed And Right Columns Ads

When you are creating your Facebook ads the all placements are automatically enabled. All of them, except for a story ads [ Which require their own ad campaigns ]. While this is definitely convenient and this thing will also hurt your ad results.

Facebook Ad Optimization 6 Easy Tricks to Try Disruptive Advertising

It is better to create an entirely separate campaign for both the News feed ads and also for the right column ads if you decide to run it later. Let me tell you that the text in the right column ads will be significantly limited. You will get a lot of limited creative options like Facebook Page Like  , video ads or no CTAs.

If you want to enable the options in the other placements in the addition to the news feed ads, that’s fine but the definitely will disable the right column ads and then run those ads separately in their own campaigns. Your ads spend will be often more creative as a result.


4. Implementing The Scheduling Part

This Facebook Ads strategy would not be applicable to all – or even most – ads campaigns, but it will work exceptionally work for some. The carefully scheduling of the ads will help you in the optimizing of your campaigns by showing your ads during the peak time i.e on that time in which more users will likely to engage with your ads. This thing is called ” dayparting” and it will let you choose the exact days and the time in which you want your ads to be run.

 Facebook Ad Optimization

If you decide that your audience will more likely to engage with your content in the daytime but it is likely to actually convert at night the for an example, it might be a benefit for you to schedule your campaigns to only run your ads in the evenings.


5. Test A/B The Different Creatives

The A/B testing is one of the most effective Facebook ads optimization options out there. There is no other true way, after all, to know that what your audience will respond to without checking and finding out.

Make sure that you intentionally will test out all these different creative aspects of your ads. This thing will include your copy, your ad format and also the visuals components which you will choose.

Here are the examples you may test includes :

  • Ad formats like a canvas or a collection ad.
  • Carousel ads which will take the users through a tutorial on how to use that product.
  • Offer something like giveaways or discounts.
  • The video telling about your brands or how the products will be made.

You must carefully check all these campaigns and let see that which ones are working for you and which ones aren’t. Sometime the results may be drastic.


There is no denying in this that Facebook ads optimization can take the extra time and it can even take a little extra ad spend while you are trying out the different ads strategies to see that what thing will work best for your audience. If you like this article and this article will add something in you then don’t forget to share this on your all social medium channels.

Post Author: Jai

I’m Jai, The man behinds Blogging Coffee. I am a professional blogger, Digital Marketer, and Certified Google Partner. I write about Business ,Tech News,Travel, Food Recipe, YouTube Trending Video and Health And Fitness here on Blogging Coffee.

2 thoughts on “How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads Campaigns In 2020

    Akshay verma

    (June 27, 2018 - 2:21 pm)

    Nice and an informative article!


    (July 10, 2018 - 10:26 pm)

    This basic guide help me to understand about Ads Campaigns. Thanks for sharing.

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