Well, it’s quiet in balancing when you posted your picture on the social media platform with a high caption that you are on the beach or whatever the picture has seen is, but at that time your friend poked you and say, “what a joke”.
Might you pretend it’s true, but your picture reveals the whole truth by listing Meta Data or EXIF data on it? It is also known as an exchangeable image file format which found in general cases and it is an inconvenience for the user because this lowers the confidence.
If you really want to post the picture like a pro where nobody can guess that you are making life so we have a solution for you. You must erase the metadata from two your images and then post it will these steps are easy you just need to focus on this article and get to know about the photo edit tips that might be good for you.
Before checking out the steps you first have to know about the meaning of metadata or EXIF data in the picture.
EXIF stands for exchangeable image file format which generally one of the most creative and improving activities that show on the image when you click the picture, date time and the place even this reveals the mode of your picture taking. It includes lots of Technical information such as camera manufacturer and model, date and time, Metering mode, flash mode, pixel solutions, compression type, and shutter speed and ISO settings.
In short, it is an actual format that reveals and provide you well-intentioned and practical knowledge about your picture that sounds cool but when it’s time to post on the social media platform you want to remove all these things from your picture, right?
So, don’t worry! Here we will talk about the amazing steps and ways that might be helpful to remove photo location and other additional information from the picture.
How to view, edit and erase Meta Data from a picture on android?
The Steps are very simple to say you just have to do the following:
- Visit Google photos on the phone if you do not have please install it.
- Open the photo which you would like to view.
- This will show the EXIF data below on the right side of the picture.
After viewing you just need to remove the data so you need the third party app that’s called EXIF eraser. Install the app and follow the steps:
- Open the EXIF Eraser tool.
- Select the image and tap on remove EXIF.
- Then tap on OK button.
The free tools for removing EXIF Data are:
- AnalogEXIF
- ExifTool GUI
- EXIF Pilot
- EXIF Manager
- MetaData+++
- EXIF Date Changer Lite
These are the things which you must try to remove the additional information from your photos.
In any case, you don’t have enough time you can stop your Android phone to say such kind of information on your photos so follow the following steps to do that.
- Open the camera on your Android and go for the settings.
- Tap on Gear Icon
- Turn off the Store location data option.
Keep in mind one thing that all the steps may vary due to the Android phones.
Well, we all know that every person has different gadgets to take the pictures and remove the information so therefore in this article you are going to cover the whole of your gadgets that can help you to clear your picture data so you can post it hassle-free.
How to remove EXIF data on Windows?
Windows have different features and tools so let have a quick view to remove the data from your images.
- Open the folder where images are located.
- Select the picture which you would like to edit.
- Then right click on the image and go for the properties.
- Here you have to click on the details tab option.
- Then click on remove properties or personal information.
- After that click on create a copy with all possible properties removed.
- The copy of the photo will be created and you will pick up this alternative to post the picture on the social media platform.
- Click on Ok button.
If you have lots of data to remove so you have to go with the third party app that could be good to work done quickly.
- Download the best application such as infraview of removing EXIF.
- After that install the plugins
- Open the tool and then press B by the keyboard.
- Click on the right-hand side and set the image which you would like to remove and click on the add button.
- After that on the left-hand side click on options and follow the three options suggest keep original EXIF data, keep original IPTC data and keep original JPG comment.
- Then click on start batch button now your all photos stripped of EXIF.
How to remove EXIF on Mac?
For the Mac users the steps going to be very easy to remove the location data and the extra parameters on the images so you just have to do the following:
- Open the photo which you want to edit.
- Then tap on I button.
- There you will see EXIF data on the image.
- Remove you just need to click on the top bar of the image and then click location and hide location.
- You can also do this by clicking on the email and go for the adjust date and time option.
To remove the entire things you have to go with the third party application.
- Download the app.
- Select the images and go for the EXIF data option.
- This will automatically delete the data.
How to remove EXIF data on iPad or iPhone?
- Go to the gallery and click on left.
- Select the picture.
- For the view, the EXIF data tap below the image.
- For edit click on metadata.
- Click on remover edit option.
To stop this all you can go to the settings then privacy then location service and the camera and click on never.