Orange & Whiskey Marmalade – Best Marmalade For Marmalade Lovers

A marmalade is itself a tricky and tasty treat but have you tasted the delightfulness of the orange and whiskey flavour? If not, then this review of Orange and Whiskey Marmalade can help you figure out why it deserves a shot.


In the beginning, we can agree that these two flavours individually are loved by the world but I am sure that you are willing to try the combination as well.  Well, I am in love with both the flavours and so I have tried it. And my experience was astounding. I found the flavours are in the right proportion making you switch from one to another and enjoy it. So dedicate a couple of minutes towards reading about this marmalade and decide when would you like to try it.

Get To Know A Marmalade

It is possible that you are like me who loves to experiment with kinds and flavours of marmalade or you might not have an idea what exactly a marmalade is. So let’s establish a common understanding.

Marmalades are fruit preservatives and are entirely different from jams which are more commonly found in stores and in kitchen shelves too when compared to marmalades. The main difference between the two is the method of preparation.

Marmalades are prepared using juices and peels of citrus fruits like lemons, sweet lime or oranges. This mixture of juice & peels is boiled in water along with the required amount of sugar.

Talking about the world’s favourite orange marmalades, for preparing one bottle or jar of it, the bitter oranges are preferred because of the high concentration of citric acid in them. Though there are other citrus fruits available in the market the majority of the marmalade are made using oranges.

If this has got you thinking that marmalade is a fruit preservative item which has come into existence recently then you are mistaken. The recipe of marmalades goes to the time when Alexander was on his quest to discover the unknown lands of the world and stepped on the Indian mainland. That is when he was first introduced to citrus fruits and marmalades as well.

Yet again understand that jams and marmalades are different. Jams primarily focus on non-citrus fruits and marmalades focus on citrus ones along with the peel of the fruit. And both of them have their own fan base.

So whether you have tried a marmalade or not, try this one out and you’ll not regret the purchase from Masala Monk

Ingredients Of Orange and Whiskey Marmalade

orange whiskey

Apart from oranges, there are other eatables which are used in preparing the perfect taste of an orange and whiskey marmalade for you. So we have concentrated orange juice with whiskey which comprises only 3% of the marmalade to add flavour, concentrate of Lemon juice and the appropriate amount of sugar. There is an addition of a gelling agent called the fruit pectin which completes the ingredients list of this marmalade.

All this is mentioned on the jar which was delivered to me by Masala Monk in the given time period in a well packed and sealed packet.

Since the marmalade is sealed in a glass jar, the packaging of the same has been done with care which makes sure that it doesn’t gets damaged during the transit. Well, I personally find that impressive taking responsibility of the product even after the payment has been made.

How Nutritious Is Orange and Whiskey Marmalade?

There is a lot more that this cute little jar of marmalade has to offer other than the splendid taste. The nutritional value is mentioned below and it is for 100 grams of the orange and whiskey marmalade consumed. Though, every 100 grams of orange and whiskey marmalade comprises of 65 grams of sugar.

Energy: 1176/277 kJ/ kCal

Carbohydrates: 67.2 grams

Protein: 0.3 grams

Fat: 0 (yes, literally a zero)

Seems you are just motivated to try at least one jar of it.

Ways To Consume An Orange and Whiskey Marmalade

An orange and whiskey marmalade can majorly be put in the category of spreads but there is a lot more possible with this. Apart from spreading it on slices of bread, this marmalade can be consumed in several other recipes too. Find below a handful of my favourite ones with this marmalade.

Yoghurt and Muesli: Despite being one of the healthy breakfast options, the low sugar content has kept you away from this fulfilling meal. But not anymore, just add some orange and whiskey  marmalade to it and enjoy.

Oatmeal: After the meal is well cooked and ready, just add a spoon of this marmalade and enjoy a whole new taste with oatmeal.

A tart shell recipe: I really like this one. My tart shell is no more a dry crust of Italian bread after it has been filled a spoonful of orange and whiskey marmalade.

Now, that I have shared my experiment and experience of this amazing product, I am sure you tempted to try this and share your experience with me as well.


Post Author: Jai

I’m Jai, The man behinds Blogging Coffee. I am a professional blogger, Digital Marketer, and Certified Google Partner. I write about Business ,Tech News,Travel, Food Recipe, YouTube Trending Video and Health And Fitness here on Blogging Coffee.

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